Shotlist & Shooting Script

Text Box: The Mermaid’s Myth: Shooting Script
Shot Description
Audio and Dialogue
The green British film rating screen which is appropriate for all audiences.
Quiet sound effects evoking a sinister atmosphere such as murmuring. (asynchronous)
The Lionsgate company moving image credit.
Sound effects continue and gradually become louder.
The Eli Entertainment production company moving image credit.   
Sound effects at optimum level.
Establishing Shot: A spacious green woodland area, surrounded by thick trees with a clearing that two 18 year old girls walk through. The girls are named Alexa Lacey and Sonnie Emby. Both are wearing fashionable, casual outfits and are spending time in the outdoors. 
Introduce a non-diegetic soundtrack: Use of drums and guitar.
(Cut to black) Establishing Shot: A repeated shot of the same clearing in the woodland however the girls are now 25 year old women in more formal attire.
Soundtrack continued.
(Fade to black) Close up: Two antique style necklaces with a large pendant lying on the ground of the woodland. Nothing but necklaces in shot.
Soundtrack continued.
(Cut) Long Shot, Low Angle and Shallow Focus: Focus on to tree with the girls picking up the necklaces in the background of the shot.
Soundtrack continued.
(Fade to white) Close up: Hand searching for a book that is amongst other historical and geographical books on a shelf. Use of low key lighting.
Soundtrack continued.
(Cut) Over the shoulder, Mid-Shot, High angle: Alexa puts down a large hard back book titled ‘Legend of the Creature’. Shallow Focus with Sonnie in the background of the shot reading similar books.
Soundtrack intensifies, becomes faster to signify importance of the shot.
(Dissolve) Point of view shot: The open pages of the book being scanned, revealing images of mermaids and the names ‘Mystie and Nixie’.
Soundtrack continues.
(Cut to black) Establishing shot: Outside of an abandoned looking house, that has been neglected. Shabby looking paint and over grown vines etc.
A new beat introduced in the soundtrack, making it darker.
(Cut) Mid shot: Hand knocking on the door of the house.
Soundtrack continued.
(Cut) Mid shot: The door hesitantly opens with a middle-aged man answering. Briefly see his long, black, thick hair and beard.
Soundtrack continued.
(Cut)  Point of view shot: Girls hand over the necklaces to the man, who is named Earl. He examines the necklaces closely. This takes place is his study, which is closed in and has dark walls.
Soundtrack continued.
(Cut) Point of view shot: He violently slams the necklaces down onto the oak desk.
Dramatic sound effects introduced. (pleonastic sound of the slam)
(Cut) Close Up: Quick shot of water rippling.
Soundtrack continued.
(Jump Cut) Long shot: Sonnie and Alexa running along a train track.
Soundtrack continued.
(Cross Cut) Mid shot: Earl removing sword from protective case.
Soundtrack continued.
(Cut to black) Extreme long shot: Lake surrounded by a woodland. Pan to show the older Sonnie and Alexa walking towards the lake wearing the necklaces.
Soundtrack stops, becomes silent.
(Cut) Mid Shot/Over the shoulder: Sonnie dips her hands into the lake causing her necklace to radiate with a bright light.
Soundtrack still silent.
(Cross cut) Close up, deep focus: Earl’s black necklace, which is hanging on the back of his study room door, is swinging on its own, which heightens the sinister atmosphere surrounding Earl. In the shot his collection of weapons can be seen.
Soundtrack still silent.
(Cut) Extreme close up: Mermaids scales/glitter.
Asynchronous screaming sound effects. 
(Cut to blank screen) “KEEP EVIL OUT”.
Asynchronous screaming sound effects. 
(Cut) Close up: Sonnie’s necklace is snatched from her neck.
A new non-diegetic soundtrack is played, introduced by a slight fade.
(Cross Cut) Mid Shot: Earl examining the necklaces closely.
Soundtrack continued.
(Cut) Aerial Shot: Broken shells along the grass.
Synchronous sounds of shells being crushed. 
(Cut) Extreme close up: Sonnie’s eyes begin the change colour.
Soundtrack continued.
(Cut) Arc shot, pan, low angle: Alexa screeching, pan around her with the woodland in the background of the shot.
Soundtrack silent, diegetic sound of Alexa screaming.
(Cut to blank screen) “KEEP DEATH AWAY”
Asynchronous screaming sound effects. 
(Cut) Underwater shot: Sonnie submerged in to water. She is drowning and screaming.
Sound effects of water and muffling sounds of breathing.
(Cut) Extreme close up: Hands scratching the bank of a lake, long fingernails, and distorted colour skin. (Belonging to the mermaid)
A very fast non-diegetic soundtrack.
(Cut) Extreme long shot: Sonnie lying on the ground, unconscious next to the lake. The lake flashes/glows.
Soundtrack continued.
(Cut to blank screen) “KEEP ALL ENEMIES WELL AT BAY”
Asynchronous screaming sound effects.
(Cut) Long shot: Alexa running away from the lake, looking behind her in panic.
Soundtrack continued.
(Cut) Establishing shot, whip pan: The trees which creates an enclosing atmosphere.
Soundtrack continued.
(Cut) Close up: Both the pink necklaces and the black necklace being crushed in someone’s hands. The hands are covered in blood and dirt.
Soundtrack continued.
(Cut) Extreme close up, Canted Angle, Deep focus: Yellow wooden crafted figure.
Asynchronous murmuring.
(Cut) Extreme close up, Low angle, Deep focus: Blue wooden crafted figure.
Asynchronous murmuring.
(Cut) Extreme close up, Shallow focus: Green wooden crafted figure.
Asynchronous murmuring.
(Cut) Extreme close up, Shallow focus: Red wooden crafted figure.
Asynchronous murmuring.
(Fade) Close up: Mermaid tail moving whilst on the grass of the woodland.
Soundtrack continued.
(Cut) Extreme long shot: Alexa crouching in front of a wooden crafted figure in the woodland. She is in hysterical tears.
Soundtrack continued.
(Cut) Mid Shot: Sonnie sitting on the bank of the lake in a state, examining a bite mark on her upper arm.
Soundtrack reaches optimum intensity.
(Cut to blank screen) “JULY 19TH
Asynchronous screaming sound effects.
(Cross Cut) Extreme Close Up: Earl’s eye.
Cut to silence.
(Cut to blank screen) “THE MERMAID’S MYTH”
Sound effects of mermaid screams and water.
(Cut) Credits of actors and actresses.
Slowly the soundtrack reaches minimal volume level.
(Cut) Small print of companies involved and social media links.
Slowly the soundtrack reaches minimal volume level.

1 comment:

  1. Super planning and thorough understanding of the need for varied shot types and movement to convey your original trailer. Well done.


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