
Pitch- The Mermaid’s Myth

1. Two 17 year old girls exploring a woodland (Sonnie Emby + Alexa Lacey).
2. They find two necklaces and keep them.
3. They research through books and the internet about the necklaces.
4. They go to meet and expert on history and antiques.
5. She reveals that the necklaces belong to an old Essex myth: Two twin sisters named Nixie and Mystie, who transformed into mermaids in their young adults lives.
6. They do further research on the mermaids. Find an address of a relative.
7. Visit the abandoned house: show the necklaces to the man (who is the mermaids brother).
8. He freaks out- tried to destroy the necklaces. He is covered in scars and bite marks.
9. They escape with the necklaces.


10.  The girls, now 21, are exploring the woodland again.
11.  They approach a lake.
12.  Sonnie dips hands into the lake: necklace begins to glow.
13.  Mermaid emerges from lake- reaches for Sonnie’s necklaces.
14.  She drags her into the lake: underwater fight.
15.  The lake glows (night mode) screen flashes (night mode off).
16.  Sonnie reappears from the lake without her necklace.
17.  The girls begin to run away from the lake and out of the woodland.
18.  Suddenly, Sonnie begins to transform (hair changes colour, eye colour changes etc.)
19.  She tried to snatch Alexa’s necklace- Alexa is horrified.
20.  The brother, Earl, appears. He slashes Sonnie’s arm.
21.  She falls to the ground, becoming unresponsive.
22.  Earl orders Alexa to hand him her necklace. He places her necklace inside the compartment in his necklace (like a puzzle).
23.  Both necklaces are glowing: screeches of the mermaids can be heard from the lake.
24.  Sonnie glows: Then wakes up- focus on injury to arm. She cannot remember any of the event.
25.  Lake flashes, Earl disappears. Nixie and Mystie are now inside necklace.
26.  Sonnie + Alexa are together in the future. Sonnie has a baby names Charlie-Earl. They have same scar on arm. 

1 comment:

  1. Excellent planning. Target: Please upload posts so that they are immediately visible for the viewer. Your examiner might find the need to click and wait for each post to load tiresome.


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